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    Monday to Friday: 10am – 4pm
    Saturday: 10am – 1pm
    Markets Sundays: 8:30am – 12:30pm
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    149 Beardy St Mall
    Armidale NSW

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    Becky Ingham-Broomfield

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    Becky Ingham-Broomfield

    Since April 2023, I have re-started my love of cartoon drawing, producing artwork such as Kartoon Kookaburras, and other characters.

    I have also revisited mosaic-making and now decorate terracotta water-bowls, and birdbaths with pedestals, from old family and charity shop china.

    I started my art career back in the 1970’s when I joined my mother, Anne Marie (Annie) Ingham, at various exhibitions. Annie was a very successful and well-known artist back in the 1980’s and 90’s.

    I originally painted in watercolour, specialising in Australian wildflowers and birds such as wrens and finches. I was commissioned several times which, at the age of 17, was very exciting!

    My mother was a huge encouragement to me, and I was able to pay for my own clothes, and petrol, as an HSC student.

    My artistic career became more of a hobby when I became a student nurse at the Prince Henry/Prince of Wales Hospital group in I977.

    Like many young Australians in those days, I headed off overseas for the one-year tour in 1981.  My one-year tour became twenty-four years when I married my English husband!

    After 45 years I retired from clinical nursing in 2021 following the impact of Covid19 on health facilities, as well as other factors.

    This still left me with my academic career however art started rearing its delightful head again. My latest venture is decorating shop model torsos.

    The majority of the china is Victorian and from the early 1900’s.  My philosophy is to support charity shops, and the people they help, by making art which uses old and relatively unwanted china.

    I make new and beautiful objects which encourage bird life and decorate gardens!

    Check out our Online Gallery for more of our members’ art works.

    All works are for sale, contact us for more information.

    Armidale Art Gallery