Jane O’Sullivan
In general, my paintings are of a semi-abstract ilk. Often my process in making paintings begins with quite representational drawn or painted sketches made out in the landscape, or later inspired by a combination of places, both recalled and imagined. The painting process then moves to the studio, and towards a less literal, and more personal and abstracted response. This studio stage is very much a matter of remembering and responding to the look and feel of landscapes that have left the strongest lasting impression on me.
Artist Bio
In 1996 I moved to Armidale to take up a lectureship at the University of New England and have been painting since around 2010, first attending night classes at TAFE. Until recently, I have participated in weekly classes at the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM), where I was taught and mentored by a number of New England artists including Kerry Wilson, Kerry Gulliver, and Ross Laurie.
In addition, I participated in a particularly inspiring five-day workshop near Broken Hill, run by Ross Laurie and Idris Murphy, attended week-long workshops at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst, run by the late Patrick Carroll, and more recently, a number of workshops run by Ross Laurie on ‘Rams Gully’ near Walcha. I continue to participate in the Thursday Art Studio group at NERAM.
A selection of Jane’s paintings.
2023 Second Prize Painting – Armidale Art Prize; ‘Coloured Fields’ acrylic on canvas
2022 First Prize Painting – Armidale Art Prize; ‘Bemuda’, acrylic on canvas
2021 Third Prize Painting – Armidale Art Prize; – ‘Out Walcha Way’, acrylic on canvas
2024 The Art of Collaboration: Joint exhibition with two other artists: Armidale Art Gallery
2024 Above & Beyond, Solo Exhibition – Walcha Gallery of Art
2023 Travels with Gulliver. Group exhibition: Armidale Art Gallery
current -2019 Regular exhibitor: Armidale Art Gallery
group exhibitions: Gallery 12, NERAM
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